Mark Springer
Mark is a writer living in Colorado. Once upon a time he studied creative writing and quantum physics at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The experimental parts of the science were cool—x-ray machines! superconductors! holograms!—but he wasn’t as excited about the math requirements. Soon he said goodbye to the laboratory and spent the rest of his undergraduate years happily reading literature, writing, and never doing another calculus problem set. After that, he worked in reference publishing, where he helped develop an e-book platform and pioneered mobile apps for libraries.
Mark loves imaginative stories well told—especially ones that envision alternate futures or incorporate science and technology in interesting ways. When he’s not writing, reading, or geeking out over the latest issue of Wired magazine, you will find him in the mountains. Sometimes he imagines himself hiding out there forever with a copy of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, but he knows his writing deadlines will find him no matter where he goes.
Mark is a graduate of the Lighthouse Writers Workshop Book Project.
Mark mostly lurks on Twitter but occasionally he tweets as @othermspringer.